2019 Grant & Award Recipients

The National Conference on Peer Tutoring in Writing awarded $6,850.00 in scholarships for peer tutors to travel to its annual conference in Columbus, Ohio. Twenty seven tutors from across the globe were on hand for the first night of the conference when the travel awards were announced. Nineteen peer tutors were awarded travel grants of $150.00 each. Five were given Emerging Scholar Awards of $500.00 each, and were chosen because of they “are making significant contributions to the local, regional, or (inter)national scholarly conversation about peer tutoring through their daily practices.” Three scholars received NCPTW Trustees Awards of $500.00, and are recognized in making significant contributions to writing center pedagogy and theory from institutions that are typically underrepresented at NCPTW.

Travis Adams, chair of the NCPTW Awards Committed noted that NCPTW  continues “our tradition of supporting the scholarly work of an outstanding group of peer tutors.” Adams stated that the Awards Committee was “thoroughly impressed by the strength of the applicants’ materials across the board, and it was our honor to support their contributions to the conference.” Individual high school, undergraduate, or graduate student peer tutors who have proposed a conference presentation (poster, individual paper, workshop, or other) may apply.

NCPTW Trustees Awards

NCPTW Trustee Awards recipients in a line
NCPTW Trustee Awards recipients with Awards Committee Chair Travis Adams (second from right)
Simpson, JollinaNevada State College Writing Center
Rezende, CamilaCAPA – Centro de Assessoria de Publicação Acadêmica
Wasserstein-Monsanto, KeithNevada State College Writing Center

Emerging Scholar Awards

NCPTW Emerging Scholar Awards recipients in a line
NCPTW Emerging Scholar Awards recipients
Crozier, MadelineDePaul University
Cons, ThaisCAPA
Harris, BridgetDePaul University
Machabee, LeslieUniversity of Puget Sound
Jones, AriannaKeene State College

Travel Grants

Travel grants winners in a line
2019 NCPTW Travel Grant Recipients with Travel Grants Chair, Travis Adams (fifth from the right)
Avalos, MarioFlorida International University
Madruga, NatalieUniversity of Central Florida
Fernandez, SabrinaFlorida International University
Ghosh, SourojitCenter for Writing, University of Minnesota, Twin
Nickerson, SavannahKeene State College
Orellana, EymiManhattanville College
Banville, MorganUniversity of Massachusets
Capellan, PatriciaManhattanville College
O’Shaughnessy, MerrillDuke University Thompson Writing Studio
Pena, JenniferFlorida International University
Berning, NicoleSouthwest Minnesota State University
Garcia, SamuelTexas State University
Presswood, AmandaFlorida State University
Tapogna, MaximilianCenter for Writing, Learning, and Teaching
Ranpati Devayalage, LakminiWright State University Writing Center
Virrueta, HugoNevada State College
Silvia, WilliamWestern Connecticut State University
Benson, NicoleNevada State College
Huerta, SarahTexas Tech University

3 thoughts on “2019 Grant & Award Recipients”

  1. Graciela Arizmendi González was also part of the winners of travel grants. She is from Mexico and conducted research at UNAM in Mexico.

    Could you send me a certificate of participation as well as a copy of the travel grant via email please? I need it as part of evidence and to cover requirements for applying to SNI in Mexico.

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