Ron Maxwell Award for Distinguished Leadership
At the 1997 NCPTW in Lexington, KY, Ron Maxwell received a plaque from the conference organizers in recognition of his leadership in the organization. Twila Yates Papay of Rollins College received similar recognition at the 1998 NCPTW in Plattsburgh, NY. Starting in 1999, Maxwell provided funds for a small honorarium for the recipient of such an award. Maxwell’s funding ensured that such recognition would continue, and the NCPTW board insisted the award bear the Maxwell name. Molly Wingate of Colorado College received the inaugural 1999 NCPTW Ron Maxwell Leadership Award.
The NCPTW Ron Maxwell Leadership Award is given annually to
a professional in the National Conference on Peer Tutoring in Writing (NCPTW)
organization who has contributed with distinction to undergraduate student
development through promoting collaborative learning among peer tutors in writing.
The award recognizes an individual for dedication to and leadership in
collaborative learning within writing centers, for aiding students in taking on
more responsibility together for their learning, and thus for promoting the
work of peer tutors. Its presentation also denotes extraordinary service to the
evolution of this conference organization.
While other aspects of a candidate’s professional performance–e.g., work with
professional tutors, writing center research and publication–are respected by
the NCPTW and are surely interrelated, this award is intended to recognize
meritorious work in an area too little acknowledged—that of leadership. Such
leadership may be demonstrated in a variety of ways, including but not limited
- Fostering leadership skills among peer tutors
- Showing evidence of leadership in collaborative learning on the home campus
- Developing innovative peer tutoring programs in the home community
- In general, welcoming and meeting new challenges in leading a center guided by a collaborative learning philosophy
- Building a record of bringing peer tutors to present at the conference
- Giving service to the NCPTW through hosting the Conference, serving as program chair, leading in the search for future sites, etc.
Nominations should be submitted to by September 20.
Each nomination should include
- A cover sheet listing the name of the nominee with contact information and the name of the nominator(s) with contact information
- A letter of nomination that clearly indicates why this individual should be so honored and how the individual specifically exemplifies the criteria for this award. Letter is limited to three pages, but may be up to six pages if no additional letters of support are included.
- Additional letters of support, no more than two and not longer than two pages each, may accompany the nomination.
- A short curriculum vitae or resume (two pages maximum) highlighting relevant activities and information.
1997: Ron Maxwell of Penn State

1999: Molly Wingate of Colorado College

2000: Jean Kiedaisch of University of Vermont

2001: Kevin Davis of East Central University

2002: Ben Rafoth of Indiana University of Pennsylvania

2003: Jean Donovan Sanborn of Colby College

2004: Harvey Kail of University of Maine

2005: Kathleen Shine Cain and Michael Rossi of Merrimack College

2006: Michele Eodice of University of Oklahoma

2007: Susan Dinitz of University of Vermont

2008: Jon Olson of the Pennsylvania State University

2009: Leigh Ryan of the University of Maryland

2010: Brian Fallon of the Fashion Institute of Technology, SUNY

2011: Paula Gillespie of Florida International University

2012: Clint Gardner of Salt Lake Community College

2013: Emily Hall of the University of Wisconsin–Madison

2014: Bob Marrs of Coe College

2015: Chris Ervin of Oregon State University

2016: Michael Mattison of Wittenberg University

2017: Bobbi Olson of Grandview University

2018 Recipient: Laura Greenfield of Hampshire College

2019 Recipient: Julie Nelson Christoph, Puget Sound University

2020: Lauren Fitzgerald of Yeshiva University and Melissa Ianetta of Georgia Tech

2021: Melissa Keith of Boise State University

2022: Andrea Rosso Efthymiou of Hofstra University

2023: Elizabeth Boquet of Fairfield University

2024: Juli Parrish of the University of Denver