Efthymiou Receives Maxwell Award

Andrea Rosso Efthymiou

The National Conference on Peer Tutoring in Writing is delighted to announce that Dr. Andrea Rosso Efthymiou (she/her), Associate Professor of Writing Studies and Rhetoric, Co-Director of the Hofstra Writing Center, and Director of Academic Planning & First-Year Programs, has been selected as the 2022 recipient of the NCPTW’s Ron Maxwell Award for Distinguished Leadership in Promoting the Collaborative Learning Practices of Peer Tutors in Writing (The NCPTW Ron Maxwell Leadership Award).

The NCPTW Ron Maxwell Leadership Award is presented annually to a writing center professional who has contributed with distinction to undergraduate student development through mentoring peer writing tutors involved in collaborative learning. The NCPTW Ron Maxwell Committee often recognizes individuals who have provided extraordinary service to the evolution of the NCPTW organization and conference.

Members of the Maxwell Committee described with admiration Dr. Efthymiou’s history of supporting and mentoring peer writing tutors across several contexts, including a term as editor of The Dangling Modifier (an international newsletter by and for peer tutors in writing) as well as mentoring students who attended the Naylor Workshop on Undergraduate Research in Writing Studies in 2019 and again in 2021. In addition, the committee recognized how Dr. Efthymiou’s values around peer writing tutoring and collaborative learning extend throughout her work with NCPTW. For over 10 years, Dr. Efthymiou has been involved in the NCPTW organization, most recently taking on the role of Treasurer. Especially noteworthy was Dr. Efthymiou’s planning and execution of the 2017 NCPTW conference: She involved undergraduate, graduate, and faculty tutors in every step of the process and worked with tutors to compose the call for proposals, review proposals, advertise on social media, create the conference schedule, and serve as campus ambassadors during the conference. One Maxwell Committee member summed up Dr. Efthymiou’s impact on the organization and conference: “Within NCPTW, her name and voice are everywhere.”