NCPTW 2022
October 27-30, 2022
University of Nebraska Omaha
Omaha, Nebraska
The University of Nebraska Omaha (UNO) is thrilled to welcome the National Conference on Peer Tutoring in Writing (NCPTW) to Omaha October 27-30th, 2022. Since its inception in 1908, the University of Nebraska Omaha has been firmly anchored in the community, forging partnerships with business, education, government, arts, and civic organizations. The conference theme “Writing Center Mavericks” serves as both a play on the UNO mascot and as fitting symbol for writing centers writ large. Consider the definition of maverick. Mavericks are unorthodox or independent thinkers. Mavericks exemplify strength, resilience, curiosity, and entrepreneurism in everyday deeds and collective endeavors. Mavericks challenge status quos, have strong convictions, operate on intuitions, and believe in their visions for the world. At the same time, the term maverick is associated with slavery and the displacement of Mexican and Native American citizens. The conference theme and call for papers invites explorations of this history as writing centers reexamine core beliefs, pedagogies, challenges, and opportunities. The conference will take place on the UNO campus, within walking distance to hotels and restaurants. In addition, attendees can explore Omaha via excursions to the Henry Doorly Zoo & Aquarium, haunted houses, trivia nights, craft beer tours, and the Bellevue Berry Farm. Please join us for NCPTW 2022 in Omaha, NE October 27-30th.